Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hannah's Baptism

Weston took a vacation week the first week of September.  We spent it in Tennessee, and Hannah received her first sacrament of Baptism over Labor Day weekend. 

Hannah wore the gown my brothers and I wore at our own Baptism.  It was handmade by my Aunt Susan.

Her shoes were my mom's baby shoes she wore for her Baptism, and I wore for my Baptism as well.

Our little family of three.

It was such a happy day.  Our baby girl was cleansed from original sin and was brought into new life as a child of God.  As you can imagine, I've looked forward to this day after the Lord had answered our prayers.  She was always His.

It was a gorgeous, sunny Saturday morning, and the sunlight flooded into our 140 year old chapel's stained glass windows.

Hannah's littlest cousin was there with bright eyes soaking it all in and preparing for her Baptism just two weeks later.

Father Bala with all of the grandchildren.

Some were digging the photo shoot more than others.

We asked my oldest brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Jennifer, to be the godparents over Hannah.  I know they will be good stewards in the faith formation of Hannah.  Their beliefs are so strong, and they've raised some pretty amazing children who are passionate in their Catholic faith.  Plus we know they love Hannah dearly.

Following the Baptism, we had a luncheon at my parent's house.
It was a day we'll always remember.  Thank you for all of our family and friends to be a part of it.